About Us

Meet the Fairbanksans


I'm Terri, a Fairbanksan since 1985. I have a passion for this place, with good reason! The Fairbanks North Star Borough is full of activities and adventures that are a dream come true .... and they right here all year long in my own back yard!

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Being the honest person that I am, I must let you know that I did not build my site just because I wanted to “share” the activities and adventures my beautiful state offers. I want a business that is profitable too.

So, since I own business that is all about vacations, an internet-based travel agency, and since I do love to share my passion for Alaska with vacationers and tourists, it seemed like a natural way to promote both my travel agency and my town of Fairbanks Alaska at the same time!

  • I created WhyFairbanks.com, a site about how to have the vacation of your dreams in the Fairbanks North Star Borough, with a tool called Site Build It! ~ SBI!
  • You can create your own (very profitable) site about almost anything you have a passion for with SBI!
  • And perhaps most exciting of all, you can become a home-based travel agent with your own booking engine where YOU earn the commissions instead of Expedia or Orbitz!
  • You can own your own travel agency. Heck, you are probably booking all your own travel on the internet anyway, right?
  • www.NorthStarTravelNetwork.com is my booking engine (very powerful!)

This is me, Terri Babers. I'm the owner and novice webmaster for this site about Fairbanks and the Interior of Alaska. I’ve lived here since the winter of 1985 when I towed way to many possessions up the Alcan Highway with my husband and 2 little girls. I was a dental hygienist at the time, and he was attending the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

We did some pretty silly things as newcomers from Arizona that you should not do when you first drive into winter Fairbanks:

  • Go to an outdoor carwash and hose off your road dirt with the kids in the car … you’ll have to chip your family out of the ice envelope!
  • Lick icicles off the door handle - you’ll stick to the car!
  • Try to grill hamburgers at 25 below zero ~ the top freezes while the bottom sizzles!
  • Dress your little ones in white faux fur ~ they disappear in the snow.

We quickly learned to love this place ~ and to take certain precautions with the environment, we needed to get tough, and smart! It is beautiful, and large, and adventures abound in the wildness of this place. It really is the best place I’ve ever lived.

However, the reality is that Fairbanks and the interior of Alaska can be pretty harsh, and sometimes lonely. So why would I say it’s the best? Well, for one thing people who don’t like it here usually have a pretty good reason to leave.

That means that the people who stick around stay because they really want to be in Fairbanks (or North Pole, or Ester , or any one of the other little bergs and villages in the interior of Alaska)!

I ended up going to UAF as well ~ earned a Masters degree from UAF in Professional Communication. Now, instead of picking teeth, I mediate for the Alaska State Court System, help people with disabilities find employment, teach at UAF, and run an internet travel agency.

That’s the least of it! Like lots of other Alaskans, I read, dance, cycle, ski, camp and paddle on our rivers (the tame ones), go to church, wine tastings and art shows, take long walks in the moonlight ~ wait a minute! This is starting to sound like an internet dating profile! Never mind, I have a boyfriend!

When you are in Alaska, you’ll meet people who have a good attitude about life. For me, it is the people who choose to call themselves “Alaskans” that make this the best place I’ve ever lived. And such an amazing place for you to visit.

I hope you find this site useful and enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed putting it together. There are some things in life that really make a difference and the company that helped me create this site is one of them to me. If you have ever heard of SBI!, you may have also heard about the Solo Build It Scam, a Google bomb of negative reviews that occurred several years ago. If you follow that Solo Build It Scam link, you will find information about that Google bomb and what really occurred. I hope this information helps you by giving you balanced information about this company.

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