Make a Wood Stove Heat Circulator
Do you enjoy your wood stove heat?
Does your wood stove REALLY help reduce your sky-high energy bills?
You may be able to gently warm your whole house with your wood stove!
Whether you installed a stove in your family room, kitchen, or dining room, you are probably saving SOME fuel costs by burning wood. And there is the great benefit of burning calories when you split the wood.
The coziness and beauty the crackling fire gives when friends and family gather around your wood stove's hearth really warms the heart! I could just go on and on about the benefits of burning wood in a cold Alaska winter.
Now you can gently circulate heat from your cozy fire throughout your whole house.
You'll save even more money when you use this simple-to-make Wood Stove Heat Blower. If you have a forced air heating system, you can take advantage of the existing duct work to use that wonderful wood heat to cozy up the whole house!
Let's face it ...
A wood stove really heats up the room where it sits. Sometimes too much!
But what about the rest of the house?
We are serious about saving fuel costs. It was so frustrating to sit in a cozy, nicely heated living room and listen to our forced air heating system kick on! Gotta heat cold spots in the bedrooms and kitchen!
So, like lots of wood burners, we set up a whole system of fans to circulate the heat.
We had one hanging from the ceiling to force rising heat down to the kitchen area; another clamped to the rail pointing heat up the stairs; and a couple sat precariously at the top of the stairs trying to direct the heat around the corner to the bedrooms.
Yet we had this existing system of heating ductwork running all through the house! So we started experimenting, and we figured out how get that marvelous heat from our wood stove to circulate through the duct work!
Here are instructions for an inexpensive wood stove blower - make it yourself.
Wood stoves provide warmth and coziness to any room on a cold winter's night.